If your purchase is not suitable you have the right to return it to us unused with the original packaging and labels, within 15 days from the date you receive the goods, for a replacement or refund. You do not have to give a reason when you do this. Please use registered post or a guaranteed delivery service for all returns. All refunds will be given as soon as possible, usually a refund transaction onto the card used for purchasing. At the very latest we will refund your money within 30 days of the original purchase. Under certain circumstances we may refund the return postage, if the goods are faulty or damaged. However, in the case of incorrect ordering and undisclosed reasons for return the customer will be expected to pay the cost.
Order Confirmation, Receipts and Bills:
We will e-mail you confirming that we have received your order. You will receive an invoice/packing note with the goods when they are delivered. Any mistakes in billing will be corrected as soon as possible.
Complaints & Faulty Goods:
We will provide the option of a full refund, within a reasonable time, if the goods turn out to be faulty or different from those the consumer ordered. We will give all refunds as soon as possible. In some circumstances we may have to wait for third party confirmation that the goods are indeed faulty (in the event of a return of a faulty item that needs to be assessed by the manufacturer). Complaints will be dealt with fairly, confidentially and swiftly. We will acknowledge the complaint within 3 working days and provide a likely timescale for resolving the dispute. We will keep you informed of what action we are taking.
What to do if your shipment is late:
E-mail us at info@footandinsolespecialist.co.uk or call us on 033 300 932 67 or 07919 538145.
International Shipping
At the moment we cannot offer this service online, please contact us for further information.
Any Questions?
If you have any questions regarding the above information or anything else then feel free to contact us. E-mail us at whalleyoutdoor@btconnect.com or call us on 01254 822220.